About Me

I'm Scott Smith, a fully grown futurist, researcher, writer, speaker, and sometimes lecturer currently based in Barcelona.

I founded futures consulting group Changeist in 2007, having spent much of the previous 15 years working in forecasting, strategy and consulting in New York, Washington, DC, and London, working for some of the earliest Internet research companies as research director.

I wrote "How to Future: Leading and Sense-making in an Age of Hyperchange," published in 2020 by Kogan Page, and co-wrote "Future Cultures: How to Build a Future-ready Organization Through Leadership," with Susan Cox-Smith, also published by Kogan Page, in 2023.

I've been a columnist for Quartz, and a guest writer for WIRED UK, the Stanford Social Innovation Review, the Atlantic, and an array of other publications. I once wrote a small item for MIGHT Magazine. You may be too young to remember that.

I've spoken at The Next Web, Lift, Flow Festival, Open State SA, the Atlantic Council Energy & Economic Summit, Oxford Futures Forum, EPIC, SxSW, FutureEverything, NEXT, and me Convention, among other places. I even have a Wikipedia page, for my sins.

I also co-founded Anaglyph, a content studio for fiction with Susan.